Living with eczema

I have been a sufferer of eczema all my life. I had it terribly as a child and then again for years as a teenager.

I tried every cure out there and it only disappeared when I moved abroad -no idea why but I suggest the NHS consider putting that cure on prescription.

I thought I was clear of it. However I have had a major re-occurrence and this time it has even spread to my face. Before this latest outbreak I remembered the eczema only vaguely and just as an irritation – it wasn’t so bad surely? But oh I had forgotten and I can confirm it is really bad.

Obviously, the condition is not fatal but I believe it is incredibly debilitating. It can be so sore and itchy and my hands now sound and feel like sandpaper. I no longer have my precious ‘me time’ bath as the exposure to hot water is just too painful – I just sit in the corner and itch instead.

The eczema has affected my confidence. It has spread up my arms so I choose my clothes differently and I’m a little bit tired of people staring at my face for all the wrong reasons.  I no longer take the children swimming because the chemicals are too painful on my angry skin and this especially makes me sad.

This is not meaning to sound like a pity party. It is more of a ‘shout out’ to all the fellow sufferers out there, I’m sorry I had forgotten how bad it was and now my empathy is right up there as I’m reliving it in vivid colour.

I blamed the outbreak as a teenager on fast living, unhealthy diet and bad skincare products. However I’m not sure what to blame it on this time? My living is now snail’s pace in comparison and I’ve never eaten better or used better products…..obviously. I have not changed anything in the last 5 years but yet suddenly I’m having a break out. Perhaps stress? Not enough sun? Hormones post birth? But please don’t tell me it’s coffee because I think I might almost prefer the eczema to giving up that.

I would love to hear any of your cures to alleviate the pain. I do find that our Shea Butter, Calendula & Beeswax Dry Skin Balm (Gareth swears by this one for his psoriasis) and our new Mimosa Shea Body Butter help tremendously with the dryness and itching.

I put the latter on last thing at night which reduces night scratching and eases me gently into the morning. The problem is I wash my hands so regularly during the day it is difficult to keep reapplying cream or feel the benefit of the cream for long.

However I have promised Gareth not to cure it this time by moving abroad.....